I made it! I finished the challenge, and I am so thrilled. There have been days where I didn’t feel excited, days where I felt I was participating in something meaningful, and days where I was grateful I had something to wear without having to think long about it. I do think it has changed my brain to look for quality pieces, fewer pieces, and “basics”, so that is a welcome change. It will be interesting to see how the challenge changes my fashion choices in the long term. Alas, here are the photos for Day 99 and 100!
Day ninety-nine

day one hundred

Pregnancy Journal: Weeks 33-34
I am a bit behind on finishing up my journals for the Wool& challenge, so I am journaling about the last two weeks of pregnancy. These last few weeks have been filled with days where I feel very pregnant by the end of the day. I wake up feeling pretty good, and the general aches and pains are not noticeable. By the end of the day, the main source of pain is around my abs — it is almost as if I can feel them separating or tearing — which I’m not sure is normal. I didn’t feel that way in my first pregnancy, but I sometimes have to walk around slowly without any sudden movements so not to tweak anything! It also feels like I’ve entered nesting stage — where I just want to be home, clean everything, make sure the house is ready for baby, and get in as much one-on-one time with Leah. Things are feeling real! I would not be upset if the baby decided to come early, and I do not think I’ll miss being pregnant after the end of this pregnancy like I did after having Leah.
One last journal point — I may have an official pregnancy craving! The strawberry acai refreshers from starbucks! OMG, I want one every afternoon. I bought a few ingredients to make my own, we’ll see if they live up to the original.

From a Leah and Mommy date at Springs Cafe in Springs Preserve.