Wow! Ten whole weeks of wearing the same dress! What an accomplishment.

Sunday, May 7 (day sixty-four)

Home from San Diego, showered, and Sierra!

Monday, May 8 (day sixty-five)

Tuesday, May 9 (day sixty-six)

First day back to work after a four-day weekend. It is a hot week in Las Vegas, and I’ve been enjoying the dress alone, per usual.

Wednesday, May 10 (day sixty-seven)

It felt like time to mix it up with one of my favorite tank tops for a more casual look.

Thursday, May 11 (day sixty-eight)

Another day of adding a top over the dress. I felt okay about this outfit, but not in love. Either way, it was just one day, so I was fine with it.

Friday, May 12 (day sixty-nine)

David was working late today, so it was a full day of parenting Leah on my own for the most part. Phew, toddlers are a lot of work and the third trimester tiredness is kicking in!

Saturday, May 13 (day seventy)

And there you have it. Seventy days in! 🙂

Pregnancy Journal this week (week 28)

Things are starting to feel like the third trimester this week! Extra doses of hormones, emotions, and tiredness kicking in every afternoon. Kicks, movement, and braxton hicks are all happening. Looking forward to meeting her though!