After feeling behind on my journals and dress blog posts, I am happy to be catching up! Also, I can’t believe I am nearing the end. This week was the first time I started noticing some wear to the dress and piling on my hip/rear area. I’ve been washing my dress every few days to a week the entire time I’ve done the challenge — so I’m very impressed by how well it has all kept up. I am curious if I have ever worn something 100 times? I’m not sure, but I am getting very close to the three-digit milestone! 🙂
Sunday, May 28 (day eighty-five)

Monday, May 29 (day eighty-six)

Tuesday, May 30 (day eighty-seven)

Wednesday, May 31 (day eighty-eight)

Thursday, June 1 (day eighty-nine)

Friday, June 2 (day ninety)

Saturday, June 3 (day ninety-one)

Pregnancy Journal: Week 31
Oh boy, the aches and. pains from the belly down this week! From long car rides, traveling, sleeping in different beds, plus a lot of walking one day that included a zoo trip in mid-90s temperatures — I was reminded full stop that I am less capable of doing all the things I’m used to doing. I am okay with remembering that I do not have to joy every moment of being pregnant to still be in awe of the process and to be so excited to be a family of four. Dreaming about the different ways this baby will transform our family unit, what personality she will bring to the group, and thinking about having a tiny baby to hold, cuddle, and smell has been filling my mind lately.