Three full weeks of the same dress! This feels like such a long time to be wearing the same dress every single day, but then I also know 21 out of 100 is not too far into the full challenge.
I believe I am starting become more comfortable in the dress and challenge. Whereas at the beginning, I was so nervous about how obvious it might be that I am wearing the same dress over and over again. Now, it feels less uncomfortable to be putting on the same dress every day and more routine. I must say that I am enjoying it! I do feel like I put less energy into what I am going to wear. Prior to the challenge, I only really got dressed if I had meetings on camera, and instead stayed in shorts/sweats and a sweatshirt. Now, I’m all settled into a new routine of showering before work every day (I wake up at 5:30 AM to start work at 6:00 AM from home), and I get dressed. I find myself caring about my hair and my make up much more, which gives me a lot more joy when I look at myself in the mirror compared to recent years. It was always such an event to put together a nice outfit before the challenge, and I constantly felt insecure in how I looked (hello, pregnancy #1 and postpartum/breastfeeding seasons). Now, I feel much more confident in my clothes — which should never be underestimated!
Sunday, March 19 (day fifteen)

Back from our trip to Saint George/Zion National Park. I’m not sure if it is clear from the pictures, but I was feeling very tired from the hikes and travel! Only the best type of tired though, because you got to get outdoors and move in such a beautiful awe-inspiring place.
Monday, March 20 (day sixteen)

Back to sweaters and layers for a week. This is a thin grey merino wool sweater. I do enjoy the dress on its own the most (as I’ve said from the get-go), BUT I have to say that I am grateful for the baby bump! I think the sweaters and layers look really cute over the dress and bunched up atop the pregnancy belly.
Tuesday, March 21 (day seventeen)

March 21 is David’s and my anniversary! We celebrated three years of marriage by going out to a lovely dinner at Saffron, the Vegetarian Eatery and having a babysitter come watch Leah! This felt huge, having a babysitter come to our home while we went out on a date, and – oh my – it was so fun. It was such a refresher on my love for David – and truthfully – for being parents together to the sweetest girl. After the rough week last week, this evening refilled all my love tanks!
Wednesday, March 22 (day eighteen)

I do really like this shirt with the dress. Today was Leah’s first day of her music class. Leah went to music class last fall, and she loved it! We took a session off due to traveling and things, but we are happy to be back again at City Lights Music Together with Miss Katie!
Thursday, March 23 (day nineteen)

I thought this sweater felt awkward the first time I tried it on with the dress. I guess I’m evolving, because I enjoyed this outfit!
Friday, March 24 (day twenty)

Oh boy, looking at this picture makes me feel for the Friday me. I was so tired. I was up for half the night from insomnia, then Leah fought her nap for several HOURS, which always throws us all off. What can we say though, we’re all humans!
Saturday, March 25 (day twenty-one)

What a fun, full day! We woke up, had a tasty breakfast, went to the gym for a swim. Then we went to the farmer’s market and back home from Leah’s nap. While Leah was napping, David deep cleaned the kitchen and the tile floors. Seriously, such a gift! Then when Leah woke up and we all finished lunch, we went to the Springs Preserve and a walk to the grocery store for a few things to make a delicious dinner. These are some of the best weekend days, even though weekends are also great for big hikes and adventures.
Pregnancy Journal this week (Week 21)
The Monday of this week was the day of our anatomy scan. It is so special to see the baby moving and how much she grows at every ultrasound. Baby #2 is growing and looking perfect! We even watched her take a big yawn during the ultrasound — I’m sure it is tiring work to do grow at such a rapid rate.