Time is flying by in the challenge, and I’ve noticed how convenient it is to wear the same dress at this point. I’m remembering my daily pictures, which is great, and I am already past one-quarter of the challenge!
Sunday, March 26 (day twenty-two)

My first day of wearing a skirt over the dress. I don’t feel like the pictures do the outfit justice, because I truly enjoyed this look. Also, the skirt I chose is very thin, and I have felt strange in the past wearing it without anything underneath. Therefore, this gave the skirt a much better feel.
Monday, March 27 (day twenty-three)

Back to one of several of my favorite long sleeves to wear atop the dress. Oh, and hello Leah! Thanks for joining my pictures today. Can you find Leah in the first picture? 🙂
Tuesday, March 28 (day twenty-four)

This was a new sweater I bought at the used baby clothes/gear + maternity wear store. It has a matching 0-3 month sweater, and I am looking forward to matching our little one in it!
Wednesday, March 29 (day twenty-five)

We traveled to Cleveland for a work meeting today! Overall, the flight went well. Knowing I was going to be wearing the dress at all three days of my work meeting and flying, I was a little nervous about that aspect. It was all good though. Oh and hooray for day 25!
Thursday, March 30 (day twenty-six)

First day of three days of meetings! I loved this sweater so much, that I ended up taking it off fairly quickly in the day on Tuesday so that I could wear it on one of my meeting days. I love the snaps on the sides.
Friday, March 31 (day twenty-seven)

Today was a day I had been stressing out for quite a bit leading up to the board meeting — it was going to be long (7:30 AM – 8:00 PM) and I had to report on our fundraising numbers for 2022 to a committee of the board. Everything went so great though, I loved wearing my jacket, and I even got to sneak some quality time with Leah, my sister, niece, and bro-in-law in the afternoon!
Saturday, April 1 (day twenty-eight)

Last day of meetings and the day of flying home. I was feeling pretty tired at this point, but so grateful my family was there. I would have missed them lots! Even though traveling with a toddler is tough!
Pregnancy Journal this week (Week 22)
Oh gee, what to say! This was the first week I realized that I’m about a month away from the third trimester. What is time!? I have started to feel a lot more kicks and movements from the baby (so sweet). I have felt so much more connected to this baby than I think I ever felt my entire first pregnancy — because I was so anxious for bad news and I think I guarded myself from feeling too attached (as if that was a bad thing!). Yet, this time, I just know how my heart exploded with love for Leah and that entire side of a new child — so I can’t believe I’m experiencing this all over again.