Sunday April 30 (day fifty-seven)

Sweaty weekend day where we’re running around and getting things done!
Monday, May 1 (day fifty-eight)

My new favorite look lately. It feels like I’m giving this scarf it’s second life.
Tuesday, May 2 (day fifty-nine)

On-camera meetings = adding a sweater to the outfit for part of the day. Since no one saw me the day before, the scarf made another appearance!
Wednesday, May 3 (day sixty)

Hitting the day 60 milestone mid-week!
Thursday, May 4 (day sixty-one)

A Thursday that felt like a Friday! Vacation day on Friday and we drove to San Diego this night! It has been a while since I braided my hair up like this. but I love it!
Friday, May 5 (day sixty-two)

Officially in San Diego at my bro/sis-in-law’s house for some adorable baby cousin time and fun! If you’re heading to San Diego — check out this San Diego guide of our favorite things to do there!
Saturday, May 6 (day sixty-three)

Second full day in San Diego.
Pregnancy Journal this week (week 27)
I know there is debate/ambiguity around when your third trimester begins. However, with my due-date less than three months away, I say I am officially in my third trimester. With the road trip and family time that happened this week, it was another week that passed by quickly and makes the arrival of this baby feel like she is going to be here so soon! I also took the three-hour glucose test this week, and that had me in a mess of nerves for about a week. Fortunately, everything came back well within range and I’m so thrilled. Leah proved to be excellent big sister material with how much she loved on her younger cousin, Grant this weekend. It was so cute to see her bring him toys, pacifiers, bottles, and giving him lots of hugs and kisses. We think (hope!) the addition of a new sister for Leah will be a positive one since she is loving babies right now!