Sunday, May 14 (day seventy-one)

Mother’s Day with my family! We went to the strip and looked at the new seasonal flower display at the Bellagio Conservatory and then had an all-vegan brunch buffet at Crossroads kitchen in Resorts World. Everything was delicious! It is also wild to think that the next time we take a selfie at the Bellagio Conservatory, there will be four us (most likely as we’re not planning to go back in the next few months!).
Monday, May 15 (day seventy-two)

Feeling good on a Monday after a great Mother’s Day. Love that I was rocking a spot right in the middle of my tummy this day. I realized it later on when looking back at these pictures.
Tuesday, May 16 (day seventy-three)

Oh do I love it when Leah wants to join me in my dress pictures!
Wednesday, May 17 (day seventy-four)

Ah, the adventures of having Zoom meetings/working remotely during the summer months in Vegas. It has been in the 90s all week, but I wear sweaters in the day when I’m working.
Thursday, May 18 (day seventy-five)

This skirt was my go-to item in the closet when I was pregnant the first time around and didn’t know what to wear. It’s funny that it is nearly the same exact color as my dress now, and I didn’t realize it until I was 75 days deep in the challenge. It’s not exactly an outfit I would wear normally, but the sentimental aspect of it all made me feel special about wearing these two together. The mirror bump photo is also how I took all three or so (I know, it’s a shame!) bump photos I took from my first pregnancy.
Friday, May 19 (day seventy-six)

My husband, David’s birthday! He requested swimming, pizza, and homemade ice cream for his birthday festivities — each activity did NOT disappoint. I think David’s birthday and celebrating David is Leah’s and my favorite holiday! He is the best guy in the world.
Saturday, May 20 (day seventy-seven)

The birthday festivities continued with a trip to Saint George, Utah including breakfast/lunch at our favorite restaurant in town — Gaia’s Garden Cafe! I’m not sure I mentioned this yet, but David is doing the 100-day shirt challenge for Wool & Prince. He’s only a few days behind me, and here he is in his gray merino wool buddy.
Pregnancy Journal: Week 29
I do believe that I enjoy pregnancy. There is so much that feels so magical and like I was designed to do this and carry this child. I also know how easy it is to forget how uncomfortable it can be and how much you can miss your non-pregnant body. I feel like time is flying and I truly love this version of our family, or as Leah says: “mamadadababy” (as if it is one word). Leah is so much fun, I cannot get over how much I enjoy spending time with her and the amount of time in a day that I could spend just looking at her in awe.
Whoops, back to pregnancy! I think about how much I love Leah and this season of life and I remember that my heart is big enough to love more than one daughter. And my heart is big enough to love more than one stage in life. I simply cannot wait to meet this sweet girl who is growing and growing and working so hard alongside my body.
On Mother’s Day, I considered wearing a different/nicer outfit for the brunch reservations we had on the strip. Unfortunately, I was disappointed in how everything I tried on looked on me. It felt defeating, but then I put the Sierra dress back on and I instantly felt so proud of my pregnant body, my choices for more sustainable clothing, and like myself again. It makes me wonder how often I’ll wear this dress after I finish the 100 day challenge, but while I am still in the final weeks of my pregnancy. .
Just adding this story here so that I remember the tough feelings along with the magical feelings I have felt about pregnancy thus far.