Top Mount Charleston hikes with minimal uphills

I do not need to tell you that Las Vegas is hot in the summer time. It is like stick-your-head-in-the-oven hot. BUT if you are looking to get a good hike in during those summer months, Mount Charleston and Lee Canyon are two jaw-dropping gorgeous areas and a solid 20 […]

Leah’s birth

The day after my due date was a very slow day. David was at work, but my office was closed for the holidays, and I was not sure how to pass the time. I continued to wonder if the highlight of my day would be a walk around the neighborhood […]

My pregnant experience: First Trimester

The first trimester There are many special memories from our first trimester — from the first ultrasound to sharing the news with family and friends. It was so special to be pregnant with BOTH of my sisters at the same time. Little did we know at the time that we […]

My pregnant experience: finding out I was pregnant

Finding out I was pregnant. In April 2021, David and I had made the decision to move to Las Vegas, Nevada from Indianapolis, Indiana. We were beginning to look at houses virtually with an extremely helpful realtor in Las Vegas, while simultaneously working with our realtor in Indianapolis to sell […]

Waiting for baby, day six

December 28 (40 weeks) I had a difficult time sleeping the night before since I was so anxious about if/when labor might begin. I moved from bed to couch to bed a few times before deciding to get up. After the rough night of little sleep and with David having […]

Waiting for baby, day five

December 27 (day before “due date”) Today, I woke up early again and journaled. I showered and got ready for our doctor’s appointment. Everything was about the same as last week, but he did do a membrane sweep and stretch. We came home and I went on a walk. It […]

Waiting for baby, day four

December 26 I have been waking up early lately and today was no different. I came out to the living room, and wrote down the events of Christmas day here. I watched tv and made breakfast. I was feeling very pregnant and finding it hard to sit or lay down […]

Waiting for baby, day three

December 25: Christmas I woke up early, and watched a Michael Che Netflix comedy special. When David woke up, we made breakfast — these potato, pepper, beyond meat sausage bowls. It was delicious! After we finished eating breakfast, David and I opened presents. Because we have been buying so many […]

Waiting for baby, day two

December 24: Christmas Eve! David was off work today, so we decided to eat bowls of cereal for breakfast and try to go out for a hike early in the morning. We waited until the rain cleared up, and got ready to go. On the way out to the trails, […]

Waiting for baby

December 23: I woke up, made breakfast, took a long shower, and went through the Spinning Babies Daily Essentials yoga flow. It was rainy today. I went to the DMV and finally got my new Nevada license with my new last name. I went shopping for a Christmas present for […]