Durable and versatile -Dad approved diaper bags

My daughter is 5 months old so now I have 5 months of adding diapers, wipes, burp cloths, spare outfits, and more to my daily carry routine. Queue the diaper bag to bear the burden. We own three diaper bags and a diaper changing kit that can be added to […]

Violette’s Vegan

As of April 2022, Violette’s Vegan is no longer in business. 🙁 This has been our go to Restaurant ever since we came to visit in October of 2020. They make vegan comfort food and load the plate up with fries.

White Rock Hills Loop

This is one of our favorite hikes within the Scenic Loop in Red Rock Canyon. The loop is a little over 6 miles and you get fantastic views of a hidden forest behind White Rock Hill and also of Turtlehead peak.