100 Day Journey of the Same Dress: Week 6

Six entire weeks in feels like a big accomplishment, yet still so far from finishing the challenge in my mind. This week was a bit chaotic with a 48 hour trip to Colorado, so having the dress and outfits lined up was a nice relief from any unnecessary decisions. Sunday, […]

100 Day Journey of the Same Dress: Week 5

How exciting! Five complete weeks of the same dress every single day. This week felt a bit uninspiring, but I think that’s mainly because I was feeling low on energy — I totally forgot how zapped you get when you’re pregnant! But I’m proud of myself for sticking with it […]

100 Day Journey of the Same Dress: Week 4

Time is flying by in the challenge, and I’ve noticed how convenient it is to wear the same dress at this point. I’m remembering my daily pictures, which is great, and I am already past one-quarter of the challenge! Sunday, March 26 (day twenty-two) My first day of wearing a […]

100 Day Journey of the Same Dress: Week 3

Three full weeks of the same dress! This feels like such a long time to be wearing the same dress every single day, but then I also know 21 out of 100 is not too far into the full challenge. I believe I am starting become more comfortable in the […]

100 Day Journey of the Same Dress: Week 2

Following the exciting first week of the 100 day Wool& Dress Challenge in the vintage blue Sierra, I can claim proudly that I have completed week two, This week in life was a particularly challenging one, because Leah was sick. Leah started getting a slight fever on Sunday, but then […]

Embarking on my 100-day journey of the same dress!

With little to no fanfare, I decided to start wearing the same dress for 100 days in a row. There has been a Wool& 100-day Dress challenge going on for several years, and those who complete the challenge are awarded with a $100 gift card to the brand. I first […]

Leah’s birth

The day after my due date was a very slow day. David was at work, but my office was closed for the holidays, and I was not sure how to pass the time. I continued to wonder if the highlight of my day would be a walk around the neighborhood […]

My pregnant experience: First Trimester

The first trimester There are many special memories from our first trimester — from the first ultrasound to sharing the news with family and friends. It was so special to be pregnant with BOTH of my sisters at the same time. Little did we know at the time that we […]

My pregnant experience: finding out I was pregnant

Finding out I was pregnant. In April 2021, David and I had made the decision to move to Las Vegas, Nevada from Indianapolis, Indiana. We were beginning to look at houses virtually with an extremely helpful realtor in Las Vegas, while simultaneously working with our realtor in Indianapolis to sell […]

Waiting for baby, day six

December 28 (40 weeks) I had a difficult time sleeping the night before since I was so anxious about if/when labor might begin. I moved from bed to couch to bed a few times before deciding to get up. After the rough night of little sleep and with David having […]