Two?! Already?!
Four months (almost five)!? Are you kidding me?
Everyone says to enjoy it, because it goes by so quickly. That is painfully true.
Four months looks very good on Shea. She is the smiliest, rolling and content little girl. I love whenever we make eye contact, because she immediately smiles with her entire face, her entire body somehow. It makes me feel so whole and so present with her. Sometimes when she starts fussing in the middle of the night, all I need to do is place my hand next to her in the bassinet. It is like she immediately knows to wrap each of her tiny fingers around mine, curls her body toward me, laying on her side and swiftly drifting to sleep again (I wish I could say I fall asleep that easily after she wakes up).

I look forward to a full night’s sleep again, but I know I will miss laying next to Shea, holding hands as she sleeps. My mind and heart bursts when I think about how tiny her fingers are and how strong her grip is on me.
Oh sweet Leah. Starting school has not been the easiest, but I am so proud of how she has started to adapt to the new schedule and routine. I only ever want to give her the best life possible, and David and I have spent so much time (and money) to do just that. I love Leah’s personality, her creativity, her sense of humor, and most of all, her hugs. A few of my favorite phrases of Leah’s lately include:
-I want ___ too, now!
-Happened? Happened!?
-Thank you, wompa
-Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas!
-Oh my gosh!
-Darn it!
-Part of Life, Hon.
-Little Hectic!

Leah will be two at the end of the month, and it amazes me that Leah has been in our world for two years. I am so amazed by how smart, how kind, and how well she has taken to preschool, becoming a big sister, and soon, sharing a bedroom with her little sister! Equally, I am so impressed by how much I have grown as a mother. I never imagined so many things would become so much easier than those early first days of parenthood with Leah.

As with her first birthday, I found a sweet poem on turning two that rings true for our Leah.
Not long ago
You brought with you the sun
You changed my world,
Becoming your mum.
I’ve known love,
that much is true,
But not like this
Not like you.
Right now in this moment
You’re deliciously young
Full of child’s play, questions
Cuddles and fun.
There is always one constant
Each season I have you.
Happy birthday my darling.
Today you turn two.
Jessica Urlichs