Getting outdoors as a family with two children under the age of two might seem like a daunting task, but it’s not only possible but incredibly rewarding. Here are some tips to make your outdoor adventures enjoyable and stress-free.

  1. Start Small: Begin with short outings to nearby parks or nature trails. Babies and toddlers can benefit from even brief encounters with nature.
  2. Pack Wisely: Ensure you have all the essentials, like diapers, wipes, snacks, sunscreen, and extra clothing. A well-packed diaper bag is your best friend.
  3. Choose Family-Friendly Spots: Look for family-friendly outdoor locations with amenities like baby-changing facilities and easy stroller access.
  4. Stroller or Toddler-Friendly Trails: Opt for stroller-friendly trails or paths for easier navigation. If you have a baby carrier, it can be a versatile option.
  5. Plan Around Naps: Schedule outings during the times when your little ones are typically most alert and content to avoid meltdowns.
  6. Engage Their Senses: Let your children explore nature through their senses. Allow them to touch leaves, listen to birds, and smell flowers.
  7. Safety First: Always prioritize safety. Keep a close eye on your little ones, use childproofing gear, and be mindful of potential hazards.
  8. Snack Breaks: Plan for snack breaks. Outdoor activities can work up an appetite, so have healthy snacks ready.
  9. Nature Scavenger Hunt: Engage your toddlers with a simple nature scavenger hunt. Look for rocks, pinecones, or colorful leaves.
  10. Enjoy the Moment: Lastly, remember to relax and enjoy the moment. Nature has a wonderful way of calming and inspiring both kids and adults.

Getting outdoors with two under two can be a delightful experience that promotes physical activity, stimulates curiosity, and strengthens family bonds. It’s a chance to create lasting memories and instill a love of nature in your children from an early age. So, grab your gear, embrace the adventure, and relish the beauty of the great outdoors together as a family.

Keep reading for reasons on why you should travel with a baby, versatile diaper bags, recommendations on baby carriers, packing tips, and other baby tips!