Top tips for packing and air travel with baby

We are on a trip to visit family and vacation for about two and a half weeks in Michigan and Indiana. While for part of the trip we are staying with family, we are renting a cottage in Ludington, Michigan for one week of the time. This was our first […]

How to make the most of a Weekend Trip in Palm Springs

Last month, I started a series of all of the weekend trip destinations you could visit from Las Vegas, Nevada. This is another spot you should check out, and is easily within driving distance for a long weekend from Las Vegas. At the same time, you easily could spend much […]

Graze your way through Graze Kitchen’s outstanding menu

We visited the *somewhat* new vegan restaurant in Las Vegas, Graze Kitchen for the first time, recently, and we are hooked! Before getting there, we had been oogling the pictures of their food on Instagram since they opened. From appetizer, to main dish, to dessert — everything was beautiful and […]

The joy of learning new skills: stop motion edition

As we explore our new camera, observe styles of photography and film-making we admire, and start to practice on our own — we have taken on the excitement of creating stop motion videos! So far we have taken a few stop motion videos around where we live and we signed […]

Magnificent Chattanooga – City of Love

Before moving out to Las Vegas, we lived in Indianapolis. While there, we spent many three-day weekends there — including the weekend we got engaged and for our first anniversary. Needless to say, Chattanooga holds a special place in our worlds and journal! Chattanooga truly is a natural wonderland, yet […]

We love our wall art — Here’s why!

We have three large art prints that come from three different hikes we took in our first year of living in Las Vegas.  #1 — Waipio Valley in HawaiiThis photo comes from the hike down to the valley floor of Waipio Valley on the Big Island of Hawaii. This is […]

FOMO Travel Guide to the Big Island of Hawaii

We have a trend of packing as many stops and activities into a single trip the first time we visit. (See our Death Valley guide for another example of this) Therefore our trips to Hawaii are always filled with activities that take you around to truly see the diversity of […]

How to see sea turtles on the Big Island!

All of us in the Rose family are big fans of Hawaii. So far, we have visited Maui and the Big Island. Both hold special memories of special adventures. Our most recent trip to the Big Island was a babymoon/birthday trip. We made the most of our trip by visiting […]

Check out Great Basin National Park!

Whether you live in Las Vegas or you are using Las Vegas as the launch pad for your trip (great idea!), there is a load of destinations within a four hour driving radius to have a wonderful two or three day excursion. As a duo of 9-5ers, we have made […]