How to find the best views in Red River Gorge

When we lived in Indianapolis, we would spend as many weekends of the year as possible in Red River Gorge. David would frequently state it takes “3 hours and 47 minutes” to drive from our home to Miguel’s Pizza in the Red River Gorge. A rock climber’s oasis in the […]

Best summer hikes in So. Nevada: Cathedral Rock

It is no secret that summers in Southern Nevada can be extremely hot. While the dry heat is a marvel, the temperatures are still brutal on many days in the summer months. As hikers and parents of an infant, we head up to Mount Charleston as often as possible to […]

Three state parks in Indiana you need to see

Growing up in northern Indiana, I was blown away by the gorgeous views, hills, and hikes to be found in state parks a bit further south within the state. After purchasing our Indiana State Parks pass one year, we began checking out as many parks around the state that we […]

The joy of learning new skills: stop motion edition

As we explore our new camera, observe styles of photography and film-making we admire, and start to practice on our own — we have taken on the excitement of creating stop motion videos! So far we have taken a few stop motion videos around where we live and we signed […]

Magnificent Chattanooga – City of Love

Before moving out to Las Vegas, we lived in Indianapolis. While there, we spent many three-day weekends there — including the weekend we got engaged and for our first anniversary. Needless to say, Chattanooga holds a special place in our worlds and journal! Chattanooga truly is a natural wonderland, yet […]

How to see and experience Hawai’i Volcanoes

When it is your first time to a national park, you want to see all of the highlights. This guide packs as many of the most beautiful spots in Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park into two days (or one and a half). If you have read any of our other guides, […]