July 2022: recent, favorite purchases that make us happy!

Recently, we discussed and discovered one of our top priorities in terms of how we spend our money is on items/services that will make life more convenient and happier. This was not always one of our priorities. I recall in college, I spent over 20 hours on flights and in […]

Graze your way through Graze Kitchen’s outstanding menu

We visited the *somewhat* new vegan restaurant in Las Vegas, Graze Kitchen for the first time, recently, and we are hooked! Before getting there, we had been oogling the pictures of their food on Instagram since they opened. From appetizer, to main dish, to dessert — everything was beautiful and […]

12 lessons the desert taught us in year one

Today marks one year (twelve months) since we moved to Nevada from Indianapolis. It was one year ago today that we saw our condo we were buying for the first time, and we ate at Violette’s Vegan (RIP) so many times that first week. It was hot when we arrived, […]

The joy of learning new skills: stop motion edition

As we explore our new camera, observe styles of photography and film-making we admire, and start to practice on our own — we have taken on the excitement of creating stop motion videos! So far we have taken a few stop motion videos around where we live and we signed […]

Restaurants with luxury outdoor patio seating in Las Vegas

For most of the year, Las Vegas has beautiful weather. Being able to sit outside on a patio while at a restaurant somehow increases the satisfaction of a meal in my opinion. Coupled with coronavirus, being able to sit outside while dining creates one less stressor about this new reality! […]

2022 Vegan Favorites for Desserts and Treats in Vegas

We still are looking for our favorites still in the dessert category, but here are a few that truly stand out above the rest.  Doppio ExpressA traveling coffee bus, but is always at the Bruce Trent Farmer’s Market on Wednesdays. Hands down, the best lattes in Las Vegas. If you […]

2022 Vegan Favorites for Lunch/Dinner in Vegas

Where to begin?! There are so many delicious, vegan options in Las Vegas. The restaurant scene is always changing, so I decided to compile a few of our top picks for eating local meals and treats. Vegas Vegan Culinary School One of the newest restaurants in Las Vegas, but they make […]

White Rock Hills Loop

This is one of our favorite hikes within the Scenic Loop in Red Rock Canyon. The loop is a little over 6 miles and you get fantastic views of a hidden forest behind White Rock Hill and also of Turtlehead peak.