We have been parents now for nearly seven months, and it can be so difficult to travel or leave the house with a baby. Most parents have a general schedule of sleeping and feeding their baby, and it can be hard to try doing anything other than keeping that schedule up!

My husband and I, prior to having a baby, loved going on weekend trips, going on active vacations, and taking in new hikes or camping adventures as often as we could.
While this has slowed down quite a bit since having a baby, we still try to get out and travel whenever we can.
We travel mostly by car at the moment, although we have done air travel with the baby. However, we live in a place that has a lot to see within driving distance.

With this in mind, here are nine reasons to travel with a baby.
- If you loved doing it before the baby was born, traveling will be good for your personal mental health.
- It might be cheaper to go now than when the baby is older.
- Babies aren’t walking or extremely mobile, making it an opportune time to try out going places as a new family.
- Seeing new places and the novelty of new experiences/sights/smells improves your memory.
- Babies and families still can have a sense of routine while traveling.
- It will make you happy, and what baby doesn’t love when you’re happy?
- The baby is so interested in all of the new faces and looking around at new scenery.
- Your baby might sleep better after taking in all of the new scenery.
- It gets easier and easier every time you go.

Everyone has their own set of priorities and every baby is different. We love going places with our baby, but it took a lot of learning experiences and small trips to get used to it. We do not do nearly as much as we used to on trips, and we’re back to our “home away from home” for the night before 6:30-7:00pm to keep up the bedtime routine. Find what works for you and your family. But, if traveling brought you joy before having children, it might be worth the extra effort to make it work now.