December 28 (40 weeks)

I had a difficult time sleeping the night before since I was so anxious about if/when labor might begin. I moved from bed to couch to bed a few times before deciding to get up.

After the rough night of little sleep and with David having the day off of work, we decided to do a few special things. I think staying busy helped keep my mind off about how today was considered her “due date” and that she wasn’t here yet.

We first went for a hike around Kraft Mountain. This is one of our favorite hikes, and lately, we keep saying — I wonder if this will be the last time we do the hike without having a baby with us.

After our hike, we came home and freshened up and went out to lunch in the Arts District at a Thai place. The green curry was so good! Then we walked around a bit and made our way to a coffee shop, and we got coffee and vegan doughnuts! We kept walking around and looking at the different stores and murals that covered the buildings since it was our first time in this neighborhood.

We came home for the rest of the night, I took a second long shower, and we played a few games before calling it a night.

Even though it was a day/date we have had in our minds as so monumental, it ended up being just another day to pass by before the baby.