It has been four weeks since Shea Patricia wiggled her way into the world and into our hearts. There were weeks of on and off contractions, twinges, frustrations, sleepless nights, and sweet memories with Jeremy, AnnMarie, and Grant in town for two weeks… Then – FINALLY – Shea was born at 2:20 in the morning on the day after her due date!
Much like the moments around Leah’s birth – I have relived the miraculous memory of Shea’s birth a thousand times and it never fails to bring me to tears.
Isn’t it true when they say that love multiplies instead of divides when a new child is born?

Shea is absolutely PRECIOUS. A dark head of hair, snuggly little body, and perfect, kissable lips. Plus, she sleeps about 22 out of 24 hours a day, which is only helps her “perfect baby” status , and secures her current position, hands-down, as the easiest of our two under two.

Leah already loves baby Shea so much, and I am sure they will be the best of buddies in no time. she is always wanting to hold the baby, beep her nose, and give her high-fives. She has had a few moments of finding the transition difficult – which I hear is normal – but overall I am so in love with Leah’s love for her baby sister.

Happy Four Weeks, Shea!